Music and Sound Design for TV, Film, Games, Radio and Internet


Mix and Mastering

Kunskapskanalen channel identity

CMORE Commercials

TV4 Play – Börja här

SVT Melodifestivalen 2018

SVT2 Channel Identity

TV4 Channel Identity

Kelda Go Soup

Svenska Bio Opening Title

MTV Channel Identity 2005


Gröna Lund

MAX Channel Identity

FEM Stingers

TV3 Trailer Endboards

Canal+ Channel Identity

Swedish Match

Sjuan Channel Identity

TV3 Channel Identity Summer

TV3 Channel Identity Winter

Coca Cola Bumpers

FEM Channel Identity

SVT Bolibompa

Kanal 5 Channel Identity 2006

Kanal 5 Channel Identity 2009

MTV Turn On

MTV Superrock

MTV Alternative Nation

MTV Partyzone


Volkswagen Amarok Hong Kong

V75 Opening Title

Skyways Radhus

Skyways Stureplan

TV4 X-Factor Billboard

Kanal 9 Channel Identity 2011

TV4 Sport Xtra Channel Identity

TV4 Fakta XL Channel Identity

SVT Billboards OS London

TV4 Kockduellen

TV3 Lyxfällan

World of Combat Sports

SVT Melodifestivalen 2012

TV4 Fantasterna

God Morgon Juice

Nynäs Corporate

Kanal 5 Min man kan



TV3 Astronauterna Vinjett

Kanal 5 Royal League


Kalles Kaviar

TV4 Deal or no Deal

TV4 Alla Mot En

Pepsi Max

Canal+ Speedway

TV4 Lättlagat

Nickelodeon Channel Identity

TV4 Elixir

ZTV Shan Atci “Lobby”

TV4 Sveriges Varsta Billboard


McDonalds Sound Logo * 12

LO Radio Commercial #2

LO Radio Commercial #1

SF Bio Radio Commercial

Aftonbladet Radio Commercial

7-Eleven Radio Commercials

7-Eleven Sound Logo

Betsafe Karatefylla Billboard

Betsafe Gumball 3000 Billboard


Kanal 9 Trailer Endboards

Kanal 9 Channel Identity 2010

TV6 Channel Identity Promos

TV4 Idol Trailer

Abba “The Tribute”

TV4 Golden League

TV3 Fame Factory

MTV RE:Action

MTV Fahrenheit

MTV Axl Theme

Kanal 5 Liga Europa

Kanal 5 Monster Garage

MTV Lush

SVT Melodifestivalen 2009

SVT Svensson Svensson

TV3 HockeyVM

Peugeot Miljöbil

TV Norge Channel Identity 2009

TV Norge Channel Identity 2007

TV Norge Channel Identity 2006

TV8 Channel ID Launch Promo

TV3 Channel Identity Website

Canal 9 Channel Identity

Bet 24

TV Norge Billboards

Alpro Soya

Kanal 5 Kär & Galen

Kanal 5 Kaos i Bastad

Swiss Football

Absolute Music



Hep Stars


Golden Hits

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